Tag Archives: Teenage Tunes

Teenage Tunes – Interlude: An Ode To The Walkman

Last week, after 31 years, 3 months, 25 days, Sony discontinued the Walkman. For me, my Walkman was my life. Quick story about that – my first Walkman was a pretty basic one (the FX21); it played tapes, had an analog radio dial, and cost about $30. However, when I purchased it from the Circuit City Express in the Towson Mall (which has since turned into an Apple Store), the sales representative mistakenly gave me the $60 Walkman – complete with a digital radio and 6 presets (the FX453). Of course, when I showed my mother my good fortune, she forced me to march back to the store, and switch my Walkman for the proper one. Continue reading

Teenage Tunes – Part 3: Why Did I Ever Listen To These Songs

Lots of the songs suggested were pretty terrible. I’m sure we all realize that now, but back then, these were the biggest songs and bands in the world. It’s not just that these songs were overplayed on the radio – it’s actually that they’re straight up bad – especially lyrically. Continue reading

Teenage Tunes – Part 2: Songs I Wish I’d Heard As A Teen

When y’all sent in your suggestions, I was faced with a bunch of tunes I’d either never heard before, or didn’t hear until after my teenage years. I was too cool for Bruce, not cool enough for Fugazi, too mainstream to listen to Pinkerton, and too stupid to appreciate Tupac.

But for many of you, these were the songs of your teenage years. These were the songs that propelled you from childhood to adulthood. These are your songs.

Fugazi – Waiting Room Continue reading

Teenage Tunes – An Introduction

When I put out this request, I wasn’t sure what to expect. In the past, when I’ve put out a request like this I’ve been consistently underwhelmed; with a few devoted blog-fans responding to my pleas for feedback, and the rest of the world continuing to ignore. But not this time. For some reason, the idea of songs that got you through your teenage years was one that resonated with you.

Enough for me to get 182 responses from from 28 people. Great job guys – I’ve got about a week’s worth of material:

Monday will feature older songs that were suggested. It’s not that I don’t like classic rock; it’s just that I didn’t grow up during those eras. For those of you who did (or who listened exclusively to classic rock during your teenage years), this one’s for you. Tuesday will feature songs that I wish I had heard when I was a teenager. Wednesday is a surprise, and Thursday will be feature a ton of songs that I connected with as a teenager.

So get your Walkmen out, put those foam covered headphones on your ears, and push the clunky play button to these songs that got you through your teenage years.